17: Energy Codes with Dr. Sue Morter

17: Energy Codes with Dr. Sue Morter

  • Show Notes

    Dr. Sue Morter's enlightening conversation with Cherie Lindberg illuminates the path to empowerment and healing. Through the prism of energy medicine and holistic practices, they unveil the transformative potential residing within each person. Dr. Morter's anecdotes paint a vivid picture of lives liberated from pain, depression, and limitation, illustrating the boundless possibilities when mind, body, and spirit unite in harmony.

    As reflect together the future of energy medicine, Dr. Morter radiates optimism, envisioning a world where humanity embraces its innate healing capacities. With unwavering faith in the human spirit, she champions the alignment of mind, body, and breath as the gateway to unleashing creativity and vitality. Dr. Morter's commitment to accessibility underscores her belief that healing should be within reach for all, offering pathways for individuals to commence their own journey of self-discovery and transformation.

    Want to know how you can begin your journey to hope and healing? Visit Elevated Life Academy for classes and free resources for personal development and healing.





    Dr Sue Morter - YouTube



  • Transcript

    00;00;07;25 - 00;00;39;19


    Hello and welcome to Cherie Lindberg's Elevated Life Academy. Stories of hope and healing. Through raw and heartfelt conversations, we uncover the powerful tools and strategies these individuals use to not only heal themselves, but also inspired those around them. Join us on this incredible journey as we discover the human spirit's remarkable capacity to heal, find hope in the darkest of moments, and ultimately live an elevated life.

    00;00;39;22 - 00;01;04;09

    Cherie Lindbergg

    Welcome listeners to another episode of Elevated Life Academy, and I'm really excited today. I have doctor Sue Morter, who has written the energy cards and has a lot of other resources to support us in elevating our life. And so I'm going to let her introduce herself and talk about her mission. And welcome, doctor Sue.

    00;01;04;11 - 00;01;24;22

    Dr. Sue Morter

    thank you so much. It is, it's always a joy to be here and to connect with people who are interested in up leveling their lives and really having an understanding about how that can happen and how it can be sustainable. So it's a deep passion of mine and one that I grew up with. I grew up inside of an energy medicine family.

    00;01;24;22 - 00;02;00;04

    Dr. Sue Morter

    My father was a pioneer in understanding how different thoughts and and different perspectives and beliefs impact our physiology, our biochemistry, and how that in turn changes us on a cellular level, etc. so I grew up with the whole like conversation about quantum science and how thoughts become our reality and, and so many things. So I then became a doctor myself and have developed Motor Institute, which has become a global presence, which I had no idea that that would be the outcome that we're teaching.

    00;02;00;06 - 00;02;34;02

    Dr. Sue Morter

    115 countries around the world these principles of, of mind and body and breath and, and how they come together and are interwoven in terms of long term health care. So we have three different schools inside of the institute. One is the school of higher consciousness, really teaching people how to to think in more of a creative form rather than finding solutions based upon the problems that they're trying to solve, but to really become innovative and and express themselves fully in the world.

    00;02;34;05 - 00;02;59;10

    Dr. Sue Morter

    We also have a school of Body Awake yoga, which is a presence of anchoring our consciousness in the core of the body while we're going through yoga asanas and positions, because there are certain physical positions that we can put the body in that allow for the flowing of healing energy in the body more readily, something that is more eastern based, that is thousands of years old as healing modalities as well.

    00;02;59;13 - 00;03;34;08

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And then we also have the school of bioenergetics, which is where we're teaching people to be healers and practitioners to facilitate healing for other people, both with hands on and also teaching people how to literally work with energy remotely with their own consciousness. So it's a wide variety of things that have been a long standing outcome of me working with patients and clients and recognizing what are the things that really allow people to heal and to and to transform their lives in a way that is sustainable and is really allowing them to express their fullness in the world?

    00;03;34;10 - 00;03;59;00

    Cherie Lindberg

    So, yes. Oh, wonderful. That kind of took care of one of my questions. So I can only imagine growing up in a household like that, where you were having conversations and how that must have influenced and inspired you. Can you tell us a little bit about how it came to be and in your life, too? Because I remember you sharing an experience and then you were like, I want to learn how to replicate this and share this with others.

    00;03;59;01 - 00;04;21;24

    Dr. Sue Morter

    Oh, definitely. So, so yes, I was raised with these concepts about that. Your outlook on life is is completely going to determine your life experience in it's your come from. It determines how you interpret the things that happen in your life. It determines how you, your view of the world is your ability to step into a project, your confidence level.

    00;04;21;24 - 00;04;46;06

    Dr. Sue Morter

    All of that is influenced by this, this deep centered choice that you make about yourself and who you are in the world. And so I was raised with those concepts, and then I got out into the world and I was, you know, doing my thing and teaching other people about these things. And I found myself unexpectedly noticing that I was conditional in that I was offering this great advice to my patients.

    00;04;46;06 - 00;05;02;28

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And then I was stressing out on my way home, hoping they would listen, hoping they would turn the corner, hoping that, you know, my knuckles were turning white on my steering wheel as I'm driving home at the end of a of a day in the clinic and I'm thinking, you know, this is not the way it's supposed to go.

    00;05;02;29 - 00;05;21;21

    Dr. Sue Morter

    This is this is a little more stressful than it's supposed to people. And so I'm helping other people with their stress level. But I was unexpectedly recognizing, wow, there's this, this latent tendency inside of me to really, you know, be overly trying and hoping that everyone, you know, gets the message and, and starts to turn their lives around.

    00;05;21;21 - 00;05;45;26

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And so, so I realized I need to get a handle on this worry piece that I'm developing as a practitioner, for goodness sakes. And so I was drawn to meditation. And immediately when I took a little workshop on meditation, I started having these transcendental experiences. Multi-dimensional, otherworldly openings were happening in my consciousness, and I had no context for it.

    00;05;45;29 - 00;06;15;11

    Dr. Sue Morter

    I had no desire for it in that I wasn't trying to achieve that. And it was happening and happening and happening, and I happened to be in those workshops with some people who were more adept at meditation and and they were receiving what I was sharing and explaining things to me that, that these were experiences that were actually not that common and that I needed to really take them seriously and to allow for that to be cultivated and nurtured in my life.

    00;06;15;11 - 00;06;39;05

    Dr. Sue Morter

    Well, about the time that that happened, I was already having these huge transcendental openings and and one of them just flew the doors open and I was in another realm. I could see the earth beneath me about the size of a marble, and I was embedded into it up to what would have been my knees. I was, but I wasn't in a body.

    00;06;39;12 - 00;06;59;08

    Dr. Sue Morter

    I was just this ray of light. I could see 360 degrees equally. I actually spherically I could see above and below it, in front and behind and beside at the same time. And it was in a light that was so brilliantly bright. It was ten times brighter than the brightest day in the desert that I had ever seen.

    00;06;59;08 - 00;07;32;17

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And yet it wasn't like bright light like that. It was like bright light. And I was in it, and it was in and it was immaculate and it was amazing and it was magnificent. And there was nothing missing. There was nothing broken. There was only this true state. I knew instantly that this was the truth of who I was, and that we are all that and that every time I took a breath, this beautiful pink horizon would rise up and would just slowly, gracefully lower again.

    00;07;32;17 - 00;07;53;07

    Dr. Sue Morter

    When I would exhale and when I would inhale, it would rise up again and exhale. I had free will because I could choose. Do I take a big breath or a little breath and I could choose to see where I was looking? It was phenomenal. And I knew that this light was becoming a different vibration, as it was actually passing through me and into the planet.

    00;07;53;10 - 00;08;20;07

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And I knew that every one of us was this. Now it sounds kind of crazy, but it isn't, because science is showing us today that we are light. We are made of energy. We are energy beings in the highest form of that energy is pure. Consciousness is pure light, and we're made of that. And as we're dissecting our physical makeup as human beings, we're we're actually compressed energy.

    00;08;20;07 - 00;08;58;12

    Dr. Sue Morter

    We're compressed light and into physical form. And so when we start to put those pieces together, what what I realized is that I was experiencing myself on that level of light that science is today showing us that we are. So I've taken those principles and dropped them into practices and techniques that I used to be able to get into my body with that version of me that I woke up inside of that day because there was nothing missing.

    00;08;58;14 - 00;09;24;05

    Dr. Sue Morter

    There was nothing wrong. There was nothing broken. There was nothing to achieve, nothing to become. I was wholly whole, like, completely satiated and gratified and satisfied and complete. And that's what was true. And I knew that that was the truth. And yet when I came down out of that meditation and I went back to my life, I went back to my clinic and treating patients and all that was like I had to figure out, what am I supposed to do with that?

    00;09;24;05 - 00;09;51;29

    Dr. Sue Morter

    You know, there's this other world, and how do I bridge these worlds? Because my life didn't change because of that experience until I learned how to have it change, because of that experience. And so I codified what I was doing that was allowing me to reproduce that experience, because of course, I wanted to go back there. Right? So I finally figured it out.

    00;09;52;01 - 00;10;20;18

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And as I did, things started healing in my body and in my life. As I figured out how to get in my body with what had happened, I could reproduce it. So I wanted to be able to share that with other people, that if they would do these things, they could start to open and open and open to higher states of consciousness and a greater version of love, and being able to experience themselves as a greater version of who they really are.

    00;10;20;21 - 00;10;52;15

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So that became the energy codes, those practices and principles that I started gathering and practicing myself. It became a systematic way of healing. I healed a scoliosis. I yelled migraine headaches when I would injure myself. These things would heal broken arms would heal in it. Without the the traditional methods that we're so inclined to think are necessary. I would work with these things in a different way and things started viewing.

    00;10;52;17 - 00;11;22;22

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So I recognized that who we believe ourselves to be, who we allow ourselves to be, determines our ability to heal, our ability to digest, our ability to fluidly flow from one situation to another, our ability to have strong immune systems and and to be able to feel like we belong. Our ability to address mental and emotional challenges and stressors, even disorders and physical ailments that have not healed.

    00;11;22;22 - 00;11;51;29

    Dr. Sue Morter

    Our ability to move into these states is tremendously enhanced when we begin to understand the truth of who we are, instead of thinking we are this stressful, reforming personality that is not good enough, or that is not old enough, or not young enough, or doesn't have enough of this or that, that is dependent upon our external resources in the ways that we've grown to believe we are.

    00;11;52;04 - 00;12;10;05

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So what I'm doing in the Institute is really teaching people how to recognize this from an entirely different perspective, and move forward into it with a greater sense of mastery. Really then then thinking we have to just, you know, deal with what life hands us.

    00;12;10;07 - 00;12;31;27

    Cherie Lindberg

    Well, it sounds like you're working with the programing, right? The programing of when we come into this earth and what we're told we are what we're you know, what we believe and giving us other options, and freewill of choice that we can we can choose to believe differently.

    00;12;31;29 - 00;12;51;26

    Dr. Sue Morter

    Yes. We're definitely rearranging the programing. You know, humanity is operating on autopilot and we don't even know it. We just think that that's what everybody's doing. That was the same world that I was living in. And I realized from firsthand experience, there's something totally different going on here. There's something totally different, and we haven't been awake to it.

    00;12;51;28 - 00;13;18;14

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And so, loving teaching people how to awaken to a greater version of who they really are, not just better self esteem, but truly a deeper understanding of our capacity as as energy beings, as conscious energy beings, we have the ability to heal things and to change things and to shift the realities that we live inside of. It's just a matter of learning how to to begin to do that.

    00;13;18;17 - 00;13;41;08

    Cherie Lindberg

    Yeah. And understanding. And this is what I loved and why I was connected is to understand that there's a divine in every, each and every one of us. So thank thank you for that. My advice, would you give listeners who may be struggling with physical or emotional challenges, and they're seeking ways of hope and healing.

    00;13;41;11 - 00;14;16;13

    Dr. Sue Morter

    You know, one of the first things that I like to point out to people, and I used to do this with my patients in the clinic, is to say that your physical body is the caboose on a train. And so if you have aches and pains, there are some cars and an engine way ahead of the symptoms that you're experiencing that we really need to address, we really need to take a look at what's going on on a, a forward motion level all the way up to the engine of that whole physical reality that we're working with.

    00;14;16;16 - 00;14;43;00

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And as we do, we have to take a look at if I'm not healing physically, if I'm struggling with something, there is a reason, because the body is designed to be self-healing. And if it isn't self-healing, it's only because it thinks there's a higher priority that it should be dealing with, and it will deal with that higher priority because the body works on a priority basis in order to survive.

    00;14;43;02 - 00;15;03;12

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So if I have a pain pattern that isn't changing, it is because I haven't addressed the highest priority in my system. And so my body's busy paying attention to a higher priority than the one that I would really like it to pay attention to. I'd like it to pay attention to my hip, or my back, or my shoulder, or my neck, or my head.

    00;15;03;14 - 00;15;26;23

    Dr. Sue Morter

    But if it isn't, there's a reason the body isn't stupid. It's brilliant. It's doing exactly systematically what it has to do in order to stay alive, first and foremost. And so we start thinking, well, I'm not under attack. You know, for those of us that are blessed enough to be living in a part of the world that are are not under attack at this time, and yet I'm not healing.

    00;15;26;29 - 00;16;01;20

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So what could a higher priority be? Above healing? And it is survival. But what people don't realize is that survival can be surviving from an actual threat, or surviving from an imagined threat, conscious or subconscious. So we can have conscious threats that we're constantly posing to the body to deal with every day. Like we constantly worry. We're constantly judging, we're constantly angry, or we're constantly afraid.

    00;16;01;20 - 00;16;32;05

    Dr. Sue Morter

    We're doing things that are causing the body. Who doesn't know the difference between an imagined bear and a real bear? It's just gives the response as if the bear is in the room with you. It doesn't know that. It's just in your imagination. It just gets the vibrational stimulus of bear and it gives a response. And so every moment that the body is giving an emergency response to an imagined or real bear is a moment that it's not spending on healing your back or your hip or your digestive issues or whatever they might be.

    00;16;32;07 - 00;16;49;22

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So we have to address the higher priority if we want it to ever get to the second priority or the third priority, as far as you know, if you think of it as a ladder, a priority ladder, it's going to deal with the thing that's at the top rung, and then it's going to deal with the next one, and then it's going to deal with the next.

    00;16;49;22 - 00;17;08;21

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And it will never go to number two until number one is considered safe enough to walk away from, as if we turn our back on the bear and we get eaten. You know, that doesn't do us any good at all. So the market's not going to let that happen. Right. So yeah. So we have to take a look at well what am I doing.

    00;17;08;21 - 00;17;38;01

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So that's the conscious level. And then there are the subconscious bears that are in everyone's lives that people don't realize until they really begin to learn how things work, how the physical body works, how the nervous system works, how the chemistry works inside the system. And so the subconscious bears are things that we encountered when we were 4 or 5 or 6 or 10 and or even in the crib pre-verbal, pre mobile or even in the womb.

    00;17;38;04 - 00;18;01;14

    Dr. Sue Morter

    We have these impacting scenarios that influence our nervous system and we might not even recall them. But basically what happens is in fact, I have a little image here I just started let me just show you this. So here's a little image of of the brain. And so above this line right here is conscious. This is conscious. Subconscious is below this.

    00;18;01;16 - 00;18;18;13

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And so if we see a bear, if we see a bear, that gets shot back here into an area called memory and we look up in memory, you know, what do you do when you see a bear and it says, run for your life? So it sends a message down here into the body. It says, run for your life.

    00;18;18;16 - 00;18;36;03

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And then when the bear goes away, we come back here and it looks up under a different file, under bear gone. What do you do when the bear's gone and it says, oh, exhale. And so it sends you over here into a relaxed, healing part of the nervous system. So this is the autonomic nervous system and how it works.

    00;18;36;03 - 00;18;57;10

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And so if there are five bears ten bears it gets the same system happens. And it shoots us down here into emergency mode in a very big way. It can have an overriding effect on this system and short circuit it like too much input into your computer all at once. Boom jams the computer so it can jam this doorway right here.

    00;18;57;12 - 00;19;19;28

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So now the bears could go away and we could see that the bears are gone, and that information could come back here to the storage room. The file storage where we look at bear guard and it says exhale. But the exhale message never gets down into our body because this trap door between the two slams shut in the midst of that emergency overwhelm of the system.

    00;19;20;00 - 00;19;44;16

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And so now this trap door is slammed shut. This individual is stuck in emergency mode. The bears go away. They can be gone for 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 years. And the system could still be responding to emergency fight or flight, even if even if the bears are gone. So this individual as an adult is walking around thinking, I don't know why I go on vacation and I just can't relax.

    00;19;44;18 - 00;20;07;25

    Dr. Sue Morter

    I get down to watch a movie and I just fall asleep. I try to read two pages of a of a book and I'm out because I'm exhausted and I'm just pushing the river all the time. And as soon as I say pushing, boom, you know, we're exhausted. So. So there are ways to evaluate what's going on with you, you know, is the trap door slams shut, what's going on with your nervous system and what are you thinking about on a conscious level?

    00;20;07;26 - 00;20;29;21

    Dr. Sue Morter

    But what is going on on a subconscious level that is really having an influence on your ability to turn on the healing mode when you don't have to be performing during the day, you know your body's supposed to be healing things every night when you go to sleep and in between every moment when you're when you're doing things, that you are necessary.

    00;20;29;23 - 00;20;48;15

    Dr. Sue Morter

    The body's supposed to be in the in-between moments, you know, healing and filtering and cleansing and regulating and repairing these things that are still ailing you. So there's a reason for it. We just need to put our finger on it. And that's that's what I do, is I teach people how to discover. Is it conscious? Is it subconscious?

    00;20;48;15 - 00;21;19;07

    Dr. Sue Morter

    Are there ways to get the trap door open? what additional things can I begin to do to allow a greater sense of self here in this deep core of my system, and so that I'm okay, you know, no matter what's going on out there, that's really what I want to teach people. People get so busy trying to control their environment so that they feel safe, when in reality, they need to learn how to manage their internal workings, their internal world, in a different way so that they feel safe no matter what environment they're in.

    00;21;19;07 - 00;21;20;11

    Dr. Sue Morter

    That's the key.

    00;21;20;13 - 00;21;35;13

    Cherie Lindberg

    Well, I loved what you said about a pain pattern. And then as you were talking, I'm just thinking about, like, our world, our Western culture, like there's so many of us are in sympathetic dominance and that's the fight, flight or freeze that you're talking about.

    00;21;35;13 - 00;21;37;26

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So that it's a way of being.

    00;21;37;28 - 00;21;43;09

    Cherie Lindberg

    Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So and if we're in that then how can we heal.

    00;21;43;12 - 00;22;03;06

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So exactly. So that's the point, you know, to to know sympathetic dominance. And if your listeners know there's this term I don't really need to go into all that explanation. But but that's exactly what I was demonstrating is that. Yeah. Sympathetic parasympathetic. So in sympathetic dominance we're just stuck in fight flight or freeze movement. And healing doesn't happen under those conditions.

    00;22;03;06 - 00;22;22;25

    Dr. Sue Morter

    It's as simple as that. Only that which is necessary to to keep you running from the bear a little further. You know, it'll do what it has to do under those emergency situations. But but in the long run, it's not putting its energy into healing. So the key is how do we get that unnamed? How do we get that really functioning and flowing again?

    00;22;22;28 - 00;22;48;03

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And the beauty is nature is on our side. What we would be trying to do there, we were built to do in the first place. It's just gotten locked up and bogged down and and just out of communication. It's disconnected. And so we connect the circuitry. We teach people all sorts of ways to to enhance the amount of neuro circuitry that is, you know, there's another piece to this little puzzle I'll go on to, since you already know about that piece, we are also bombarded.

    00;22;48;06 - 00;23;08;13

    Dr. Sue Morter

    We are in energy being and we are bombarded by billions of bits of information every millisecond. And those bits of information they gather at the surface of the cells of our body, not they don't come to our head, they come to our whole body. So think of it as your whole gut. Gut wisdom is a byproduct of this.

    00;23;08;16 - 00;23;40;12

    Dr. Sue Morter

    Billions of bits of information are just coming in, and our little cells are receiving that information with antennas on the surface of the cell and those antennas that are on the surface of the cell. These little proteins, they translate that information inside the cell. They translate it from the outer world to the inner world. And that's what tells the cell to produce the chemistries that it does, and to produce the neurotransmitters or the digestive enzymes or the healing, you know, ships in the bloodstream, whatever it is, it's happening because of this mechanism.

    00;23;40;12 - 00;24;00;12

    Dr. Sue Morter

    I'm talking about right now. And all of that information gathers in our gut, and then it rises and it rises up through our heart and it rises, rises up through our heart, rises up through our primitive brain. And it's supposed to get all the way through this trapdoor, all the way to these executive centers up here where we can cognize I'm okay.

    00;24;00;17 - 00;24;23;12

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So what happens is all this information is coming and our body is filtering it. And our job is to learn how to enhance its capacity for filtering it with ease and with grace, so that it doesn't get distorted and then doesn't get interrupted, because when it gets distorted and interrupted, it starts throwing us further into fight or flight.

    00;24;23;14 - 00;24;52;17

    Dr. Sue Morter

    But when it's received accurately, it allows a feeling of well-being. It allows a sense of I'm okay no matter what. Now, the number one way that I know people can get to that okay feeling, if they're not feeling it, is to get out of their head and drop down into their heart, or drop down into their gut and start breathing low in the belly and to anchor themselves way down in the body in this way.

    00;24;52;19 - 00;25;27;11

    Dr. Sue Morter

    Because if we are living in our heads alone, if we overthink, if we're becoming overly mental, we get into fight or flight in a heartbeat and out of fight or flight. We have to reverse that process. We have to come down into the body and allow the whole body to contribute to our sense of self, instead of us just thinking that we are this individual that we think we are, that needs to be, you know, that has a certain image that needs to be guarded or protected or that needs to show up in a certain way, or has certain expectations.

    00;25;27;11 - 00;26;02;27

    Dr. Sue Morter

    It's all all the rules of the mental body are dangerous rules to live by. It's what causes us to be self judging and judging of others. It's what it's. It just creates an entirely different reality and it's one that is not safe. Right. And so we're in fight or flight naturally, you know, necessarily seemingly. So the lower we can get our breath down in our body and the more we can start to animate and activate lower in the body, the more we begin to draw those energies toward an alpha frequency.

    00;26;02;27 - 00;26;29;23

    Dr. Sue Morter

    Instead of getting up into those higher brain frequencies that spin when they're not anchored or tethered to something more grounded. And so by doing so, we slow the mind down and we allow some spaciousness in between our thoughts, and we begin to realize, you know what? Just because the world is freaking out doesn't mean I have to. Just because this is going on at work doesn't mean I have to carry it home.

    And he got up off the table and he was like, what did you do? What what just happened? You know, he was still sore, but he was like, I can feel more relief than I've had in months from this, this pain in my back that has been so severe that I've decided to have a back surgery. And th00;26;29;25 - 00;26;58;08

    Dr. Sue Morter

    Just because this is happening, does it mean I have to identify with that? I could develop a strong sense of self so that it's so strong that no matter what is going on around me, I can maintain this harmonious autonomic nervous system that is regulated and that is capable of more than just being a five sensory individual. I can become creative and innovative and intuitive, and I can tap deep for wisdom.

    00;26;58;13 - 00;27;03;11

    Dr. Sue Morter

    There's all sorts of things I can do with myself if I'm not busy running from bears, right?

    00;27;03;17 - 00;27;12;15

    Cherie Lindberg

    Right. I love that embodiment piece. And that reminds me, the Body Awake yoga. That's one that is really helpful for that.

    00;27;12;18 - 00;27;38;22

    Dr. Sue Morter

    Yes. Wonderful. I love teaching the Body Awake yoga. It's for people that aren't even yogis. You know it. It's not like you have to be bendy, twisty, pretzel kind of person. And it's an entry point that people have into the institute. And it's very low cost and high activity. So it teaches people what to do to actually build the circuitry to regulate the autonomic nervous system and to really tap their deep creative essence.

    00;27;38;22 - 00;27;43;01

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So I love that you love bodyweight yoga. Me too.

    00;27;43;04 - 00;27;59;08

    Cherie Lindberg

    the fact that I was able to get access in your online programing, that was really helpful too, because I'm up here in Wisconsin, so it's nice to add that option. And I take it with me when I travel. And so I can just pop up my computer and do it right there in the hotel room if I need to.

    00;27;59;09 - 00;28;01;02

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So beautiful me to now.

    00;28;01;06 - 00;28;16;12

    Cherie Lindberg

    So yeah, yeah, yeah. So in listening to everything, I'm just wondering, what do you think about the future of energy medicine and holistic healing evolving? Where where do you see that the future do your thoughts well?

    00;28;16;15 - 00;28;42;13

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So, you know, inevitably we are once we're onto something as a humanity, it has a couple of possibilities in front of it. It's either going to flourish or it will be suppressed. And and what we know is that it is it's our most natural state energy healing, energy medicine. It is the truest thing that has ever been and will ever be for humanity.

    00;28;42;15 - 00;29;05;23

    Dr. Sue Morter

    It is above and beyond all the technology that we will ever invent. It is above and beyond all the conditions in the diseases and the pandemics and the plagues that we've ever lived through. What ends up happening is mind and body and breath come together enough that we as a species, continue to survive. That's how it happens. We come home to ourselves, we get our act together.

    00;29;05;27 - 00;29;27;25

    Dr. Sue Morter

    You know, all of those are ways of saying what I just said. Mind and body and breath have to work together. Consciousness in the body and spirit in the body. That's breath in the body. They come together. Eventually, when we're done worrying, we do one thing. We go, oh, we're right. Oh my gosh, that's I'm so glad that's over.

    00;29;27;28 - 00;29;51;04

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And all of this is just a way of demonstrating my mind and my body and my breath. wow. We're back together again. Oftentimes people hold their breath when they're in the middle of a an emergency situation or when they're in, in any kind of effort where they're really focusing up, they don't breathe. And so we hold that whole combination, that magic combination of mind, body and breath working together.

    00;29;51;09 - 00;30;18;07

    Dr. Sue Morter

    We all did it day because we just don't allow the elements to matter. We live in our heads, so we lead the body out of the equation. We hold our breath. So we lead the breath out of the equation and the mind alone can't do the job. So energy medicine is really about people discovering through quantum science and the way that technologies have advanced our ability to measure and to see what's really going on in the physical environment, in the tiny little packets of energy that we're made of.

    00;30;18;07 - 00;30;49;23

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And, and the electron spin and everything that's happening there on these unseen levels. But it's allowed people to become engaged and to learn about it and to become enthusiastic about it. And once we wake up to something we cannot not know, the question will become, Will the powers that be allow it to be in the mainstream conversation long enough for people to learn enough to be able to heal themselves and to keep it alive and keep it moving forward and evolving and further developing it.

    00;30;49;23 - 00;31;09;08

    Dr. Sue Morter

    What I know about the truth is that no matter how hard the world tries or how lazy the world gets and forgets, the truth always surfaces again. And so really, what we're learning through quantum science right now is nothing more than the indigenous peoples. No, it's that where we. It's just that now we can see it. And so we understand.

    00;31;09;08 - 00;31;33;08

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So we value it. And so and it's scientific. And so it has a different place in our minds. And so will allow it to become applicable in new ways. So in short, I would say that the future of energy medicine is bright. Yeah. Because it's the truth. And the truth can never be suppressed or forgotten forever. And as such, it will always be surfacing.

    00;31;33;08 - 00;32;00;02

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And it's definitely hit a critical mass in humanity where it's alive now. And it's not just a few strange people in, in a few questionable areas, you know, speaking about these super esoteric things, it's, you know, things that are in mainstream quantum science conversation right now, cutting edge conversation are things that I was raised with 50 years ago, and yet no one was talking about it.

    00;32;00;02 - 00;32;29;28

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So my father was considered, you know, strange by some of the others in his profession in health care because he was talking about energy and medicine before energy and medicine were ever put together. He was talking about this conversation. So it oh, it's pretty fabulous to see that that it's evolving and people are catching on. And there are different profit margins in association to medications and surgeries and radiation and that kind of thing.

    00;32;29;28 - 00;33;00;04

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So health care may or may not be interested, but people are interested, the patients are interested, the clients are interested, and that's what matters to me. Right. And that's what matters to every doctor out there that really does care. And so we're here learning and teaching and sharing with people in responsible ways how they can make a difference in their own health care without having to wait until something gets bad enough that then the surgeon can do something about it, or wait until it's bad enough that then they need some kind of emergency intervention.

    00;33;00;11 - 00;33;18;23

    Dr. Sue Morter

    You know, there are so much that we could do in the meantime to not only heal these things that plague us, but to go further, to not only heal them, but then imagine what you could do with all that energy that it takes to heal something, that energy that's bound up and it's not healing. We have to free that energy.

    00;33;18;23 - 00;33;39;16

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And then it goes to work on healing something. But imagine then what you would do with all that energy once that was healed, because that energy is here and available now, what will you do with it? You'll become innovative. You'll become creative, you'll have enough wherewithal to care and to help and serve other people. Instead of just trying to take care of yourself or be feeling shut down in some way.

    00;33;39;19 - 00;33;42;28

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So my answers are long, but you're asking.

    00;33;42;28 - 00;34;09;10

    Cherie Lindberg

    Oh, I love them. And I wish I had, like two hours with you, So can you give me a specific, you know, like maybe a story or an experience that pops up in your memory of a story of of hope and healing where somebody, you know, came to you and was struggling and then discovered these internal healing capacities and that their life was changed.

    00;34;09;13 - 00;34;10;16

    Dr. Sue Morter

    Oh my goodness.

    00;34;10;19 - 00;34;12;01

    Cherie Lindberg

    I know there's many. I know.

    00;34;12;02 - 00;34;30;16

    Dr. Sue Morter

    The absolute. So, so yes. So a gentleman came to me, I'm going to go way back to my clinic. My clinic days gentleman came in, which was scheduled for a surgery the next Monday. I think this was a Friday. So like on Monday I'm supposed to have back surgery. My neighbor told me I should come and see you before I do.

    00;34;30;18 - 00;34;56;23

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And so it's like, well, give me a minute here, man. So I started working with him in the terms of the physical modality of moving energy through his body. Because when you have pain in your back, it's because there's a blockage of energy flow above your back. And let me just show you one other image here. This energy comes down through our system, hits the earth, turns, rises up and cycles over and over.

    00;34;56;23 - 00;35;16;02

    Dr. Sue Morter

    It rises around the outside of the body, gets taken up at the tip of the spine, circles around again and it keeps recycling. It keeps pouring in. It keeps hitting earth. It keeps turning and rising up through the earth. And this system is going on all the time, 100%. And what happens with most people is this energy comes in.

    00;35;16;02 - 00;35;36;06

    Dr. Sue Morter

    It's the earth rises up. And because we're shut down in certain ways, we're shut down like we don't believe in ourselves or or we have an old pattern, a way of being that doesn't acknowledge our personal power, or we shut down our heart because we got hurt once and we don't want to be hurt again. So all these things are constantly going on.

    00;35;36;09 - 00;36;03;24

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So this rising energy has to go around all these things in order to do its job. So it wobbles on its rise and it creates a distortion in this energy pattern. Now this person's here looking out into the world, and they see a distorted reality that keeps confirming these things right here. So in short, if somebody has back pain, they've got something like this going on or this going on above the area where the symptoms are.

    00;36;04;01 - 00;36;23;20

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So there's a blockage above the area because that energy's trying to rise up. So it's blocked and the energy isn't get around fast enough. The energy builds up here and it gives us the low back pain. So that's what was happening with him. So I just went to work to free the energy to move it up so that the energy cycling through his body again.

    00;36;23;26 - 00;36;51;08

    Dr. Sue Morteren he, he, you know, corrected himself and said, I actually I was going to have a back surgery, not going into surgery.

    00;36;51;08 - 00;37;21;26

    Dr. Sue Morter

    He never did have the surgery and he was completely fine. Now there are other situations where people have asthma or allergy. So I can think of an individual woman who she had a severe a dyslexic type of, of stammering like she couldn't find her words very easily. This type of a disposition. for years she had asthmatic issues with her lungs, difficulty in taking a deep breath.

    00;37;21;28 - 00;38;03;10

    Dr. Sue Morter

    She had an astigmatism visually, that was very significant. She had diabetic type of symptoms, which she was being treated for, and we began working with in a different way, in the same way of working with her physically, but also working with her in ways where she was learning how to breathe and move the energy through her own system in a way that allowed her to not take that wobbling rise route any longer, but to align that root and to allow the energies to move through her body the way they're supposed to move through your body.

    00;38;03;13 - 00;38;30;24

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And as a byproduct of that, she no longer has that issue. In fact, she works inside now of the Institute, teaching other people how to do this work. And so she operates as a teacher. So she's amazing in her own transformation. She's changed. Her visual prescription is radically changed. She is not on the medications that she was on.

    00;38;31;01 - 00;39;12;20

    Dr. Sue Morter

    She is managing her health and her vitality in a beautiful, natural manner through what we were calling energy medicine. And, you know, and so that's a different type of scenario. Other people that have been helped with depression and anxiety in an immense way. Another individual that comes to mind is someone who was very depressed and was taking antidepressants when I met her, and I started speaking to her about these principles, like, just like what the conversation that we're having started teaching her how to do some of the basic foundational practices, and she came off of her medications.

    00;39;12;25 - 00;39;50;15

    Dr. Sue Morter

    She is living a life that she loves living. She does not go through these deep, heavy bouts of the blues and of this, this heaviness that was such a descriptor in her life that it was a it was a regular way of being something that she had just accepted as herself that she is no longer experiencing because the energy is moving and the energy wasn't moving in her body, and it wasn't moving in a way that allowed for replenishment and rejuvenation and replacement and and activation of her creative centers.

    00;39;50;22 - 00;40;10;25

    Dr. Sue Morter

    It was she was stuck in her primitive brain. Instead of it opening up that trapdoor into these high brain centers, she was stuck at this reverberating level of the primitive brain, where everything is about survival. And it's hard to be joyous when right from a bear. Right? Well.

    00;40;10;28 - 00;40;22;19

    Cherie Lindberg

    Wonderful. So I know you have some upcoming exciting, classes that are there are coming. Is there would you like to share about some of those? I'd like I'd love to hear about that.

    00;40;22;21 - 00;40;45;25

    Dr. Sue Morter

    Yes, absolutely. We always have new things coming up and depending on when someone is listening to this or when they have access, I want to share some things that are easy to jump into no matter when. And one is the body weight yoga membership that we mentioned it. We we have new classes the first and third Thursday of every month online.

    00;40;45;25 - 00;41;12;20

    Dr. Sue Morter

    It's all online. And you also have access to like 100 classes that we've already taught that are teaching you how to get down into your body, not just like regular yoga, but to really anchor yourself deep in the core of the body while we're taking the body through different positions that allow energy to move through and correct for those patterns that we were looking at with that poster that I was holding up.

    00;41;12;23 - 00;41;30;00

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And so it's a great way for people to get plugged in. It's like $20 a month. It's no big deal. And it opens you up to so many teachings. I teach a little bit at the beginning of each class. You can learn more principles like what we're talking about, and I get more specific, of course, inside of that.

    00;41;30;06 - 00;41;51;27

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So it's a great way for people to get plugged in. We also do the short answer, and that is a complimentary thing that people can find on Facebook. And it is the third Wednesday of every month, 7 p.m. the short answer it's a way to get a lot of free content and and really have understandings there. I also do a monthly healing transmission that is also complimentary.

    00;41;52;00 - 00;42;17;23

    Dr. Sue Morter

    It's free online and you can get there by going to doctor tumwater.com/monthly or healing transmission, forward slash healing transmission. And it is easy for us to plug in in those kinds of ways. We have all sorts of things coming up this spring in terms of a real dive into a three day program that is called Heal Yourself, Heal Your life.

    00;42;17;26 - 00;42;43;08

    Dr. Sue Morter

    That is May 17th, 18 and 19. That is a real opportunity for people to jump in for a very low cost, two, three full days. People come together from all over the world and we really go all out to teach everything with all kinds of imagery and give you lots of experiential ways to implement the work and to feel the results right in real time during the workshop.

    00;42;43;08 - 00;42;47;06

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So I love, love doing those kinds of things as well.

    00;42;47;09 - 00;42;58;00

    Cherie Lindberg

    Wonderful. And as we get ready to wrap up here, I would would you speak to some of these beautiful travel trips that you have? Oh, sure. We also do.

    00;42;58;00 - 00;43;23;10

    Dr. Sue Morter

    Yeah, we do these journey awake trips that are phenomenal. I go to sacred sites around the world, and the reason I go there is that there are areas on the planet that have special energy centers that are emitting and radiating from the Earth, and in those places, humanity has discovered them and has built temples or built structures in some way that celebrate that.

    00;43;23;10 - 00;43;44;25

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And they have healing capacities and clarifying capacities for our own biology field, just like what I was just describing to harmonize this. It has the ability to harmonize this. So we have the ability to harmonize this. And that's what I teach people how to do. So I take people to these sites that also have the ability to harmonize these energies.

    00;43;44;28 - 00;44;14;16

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And collectively we have some pretty amazing healing opportunities and awakening opportunities. And so we go to I'm getting ready to do one the fall of 2024 this fall to sacred France, which is a Mary Magdalene tour, where we go to Lourdes and we go to lots of other places that are Mary Magdalene based, where she went after the crucifixion and continued the teachings that were being taught through the AC and community and all this, all this time.

    00;44;14;16 - 00;44;36;02

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So we've had amazing experiences in the last two years, going so much so that I'm going back to complete some research that I'm working with, or to continue some research that, that I'm into now with that. And it's a beautiful, beautiful experience. So really understanding that which has gotten left out of the messaging sense. So beautiful thing to do there.

    00;44;36;02 - 00;44;55;01

    Dr. Sue Morter

    We're also going back to Egypt this year where we go up the Nile. We have our own boat, we go to the temples, and I'm teaching people all along the ways I have special history with ancient Egypt and in my own consciousness, in my own lineage, very, very familiar with the energies that built the pyramids and that work.

    00;44;55;04 - 00;45;23;15

    Dr. Sue Morter

    We're really at play in those ancient times, and I resonate very deeply there, and I'm able to kind of channel and translate a lot of information for people. So it's quite an extraordinary event that we do. So we're going there again in October, November. So France is in September and Egypt is in October, November this year. And but we also go to Machu Picchu and to India and to ancient Greece and, and into sacred Ireland.

    00;45;23;15 - 00;45;47;08

    Dr. Sue Morter

    And we've been to Easter Island and to the Atacama Desert in Chile and all sorts of really mystical places. And I try to demystify it and bring it right into what we can do today to enliven those same energies in us again, because that is the missing link. It is our dormancy is is our missing link in humanity.

    00;45;47;15 - 00;45;54;28

    Dr. Sue Morter

    So, all about activating our dormancy and bring that into full expression again. So thanks for asking.

    00;45;55;00 - 00;46;06;02

    Cherie Lindberg

    Yeah. No, because I've gone on a couple of the trips and I love it. My hope is at some point to get to go to the Mary Magdalene one. That's one that I'm that's close and dear to my heart. So.

    00;46;06;04 - 00;46;06;24

    Dr. Sue Morter

    Well, my.

    00;46;06;24 - 00;46;07;24

    Cherie Lindberg

    Dear, my bucket list.

    00;46;07;24 - 00;46;08;15

    Dr. Sue Morter


    00;46;08;17 - 00;46;15;22

    Cherie Lindberg

    Yeah. Timber. Yeah. I'm going to actually have a I'm going to not be here then. But you do. You do that like every other year approximately.

    00;46;15;28 - 00;46;24;08

    Dr. Sue Morter

    we will we've been going every year. I've read, for a while, but we we, we will probably won't go next year, but it'll probably be that the year after that. Yeah.

    00;46;24;14 - 00;46;26;08

    Cherie Lindberg

    I, I started on my bucket list.

    00;46;26;08 - 00;46;29;03

    Dr. Sue Morter

    Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So here's to happy buckets right.

    00;46;29;03 - 00;46;48;15

    Cherie Lindberg

    Yeah. Yeah. Well, just thank you so much for taking time to speak to our listeners and share the knowledge, because as, as we talked about, you know, this podcast is about helping and getting the information out there for folks to live an elevated life. So just love to be connected to you and that you're wanting to do that the same.

    00;46;48;15 - 00;46;51;11

    Cherie Lindberg

    And thank you for for sharing with all of us today.

    00;46;51;11 - 00;47;03;08

    Dr. Sue Morter

    Oh my great joy. Thank you for what you're doing. It's very important to bring people together like this and very much needed. So thank you for your LinkedIn. I serve things to you. Yes. Bye bye for now.

    00;47;03;15 - 00;47;06;04

    Cherie Lindberg

    Bye bye.

    00;47;06;06 - 00;47;25;02


    Thank you for joining us on another uplifting journey on Cherie Lindberg's Elevated Life Academy. Stories of hope and healing. If you found resonance or connection with what you've heard today, we encourage you to share this episode and consider becoming a subscriber. Please spread the word so others can live an elevated life.